Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Confidence Tip Tuesday - Be Silly!

I am at a point in my life where I am trying to find happiness. I am trying to figure out who I am, what makes me happy, and what I want to do in life. And yes, I am 27 and still figuring things out for myself, but we as individuals are always changing, and trying to find our way through life. We all have our own journey. So, I wanted to start this series because 1. I want to be good to myself and find ways to make me feel good about myself and 2. hopefully help you be good to yourself. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own thoughts about ourselves and what others may think of us, and that only brings negativity; it only brings us down. We need to remember to love ourselves and be happy and content with ourselves. I know ,I know, it's easier said than done. Trust me, I'm an over-thinker! I over think everything, and I've come to find that it only makes me second guess myself and bring me down. So with this series, every week I will share my confidence tips that I plan on incorporating into my daily life. Little changes that don't seem like much but make a big impact on how you feel.

So my first confidence tip is to just be silly. Make funny faces and take silly selfies, jam out in your car, or have an impromptu dance party, just make yourself laugh. I love being silly. Its one of the things I know I'm good at. Even if people think I'm weird, I don't care. It's not about what others think, it's about how you feel. And being silly is contagious, it makes others come out of their shell and be silly too.

Little changes in how you think really can make a big difference. I know my journey to find happiness wont be easy. It's hard to break negative habits and start fresh, but I believe if you truly want to be happy you will find ways to be happy.I hope you enjoy this series and take something from it. I will continue to find new ways to love myself and share them with you.

Stay Naughty!;)
XOXO Nessa

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